Thursday, May 18, 2017

Final Exam Game Blog Post

In my game that I created on Scratch, the goal is to catch the bananas in the fruit salad bowl. Using the arrows you can control the fruit salad bowl to go in whichever way to bananas are falling from (left or right), using the controls "if" then plugged in the right arrow key and then connected it to the control "change x by" and then plugged in 10. that way it moves to the right if you click the right arrow. I used the same "if" control and plugged in the left arrow key is pressed and then i again used the "change x by" but plugged in -10 so that way if you press the left arrow key it moves to the left. I then moved on to the bananas and used the controls " go to a random position" but plugged in set y to 180 that way they always fall from the top. I then wrapped the forever control around the controls "change y by -5" that way it fell from different directions vertically but remained at the top of the page to give the illusion that it was falling from the sky. I added in that if the banana reached the bottom using the controls "if y position is less then" and plugged in -120 which is the coordinates of the bottom then to reset and go back to the top at a random position so the bananas fall continuously but those bananas that haven't been caught don't stay at the bottom of the page they just disappear. Also on the banana sprite adding to the script i used the controls in data and created a score board. I used the controls "if" and plugged in the banana is touching the fruit salad that the score goes up by one and to reset the banana at the top of the page at a random position as soon as it touches the fruit salad bowl it disappears  that way it gives off the illusion that t fell into the fruit salad bowl. i duplicated the banana three times so many bananas fall making it more of a challenge when more bananas are falling faster.

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